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Kathleen David's weblog

Am I Bothered?

Posted By on March 21, 2007

My first encounter with the actress Catherine Tate was when she played Donna in the Doctor Who episode “Runaway Bride.” I recently reencountered her when a buddy (Thanks Jeff) pointed out that the Red Noses pieces that she did with David Tennant was on YouTube Can I axe you a question and this morning Peter showed me the other thing she did with Tony Blaire Am I bothered as her character Lauren Cooper who of course has a catch phrase (what is it about British comedians and catch phrases?). Both are very funny but hard on dial up (just a warning). I now have a feeling I am going to be on the look out for anything else this actress is doing. She is pretty doggone funny although Tony Blaire should consider a job as an actor after he is done with politics.

Speaking of Doctor Who, the next series is starting soon on the BBC. The anticipation is, of course, lighting up all the Doctor Who boards. And I have a bad feeling an idea I had for a short story is about to go out the window because of the second episode. It was a really good one too. Although from the full description, I may still be OK. I should just get around to writing the bloody thing. I am looking forward to see the continuing adventures of the good Doctor.

I sort of lost count the number of people asking me when I was going to do either a Master puppet or a Captain Jack puppet at LunaCon. Both are good ideas and may come to fruition by Shoreleave depending on what we are doing for the costume. The idea may have gotten shuffled again for another one we came up with last night. I need to do a little more research before we decide what is up for this year. Whatever it is, it will be a big build and I end up on stage either way.

I plan a big pick-up today to get my brain back to one (that’s a film term) and collect my thoughts before the next big project. I finally feel well enough to do something which is much better than I had been doing when forcing myself to get stuff done. Slowing I think I am returning to normal. I know my neck is getting better because I didn’t cry out in pain after I sneezed this morning. So I am picking up the pieces and figuring out where to put them.

I am grateful that I am feeling better.


One Response to “Am I Bothered?”

  1. Cathal says:

    Catherine Tate also did a comic relief sketch with Daniel Craig