No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI (The Caroline is watching the Last Unicorn Edition)

Posted By on March 15, 2007

I had to get up early this morning to help Peter gather up the last things he needed before he jetted off to LA for the WizardCon this weekend. He also has some plans to get together with friends while he is out there. Considering the amount of weight he has lost since a number of these folks have seen him, I expect he’ll get some interesting reactions.

I did a lot of stuff yesterday that did not have anything to do with getting ready for the art show tomorrow but a lot towards move us to the various places we have to be this weekend. So today I am going to see what I can get done first on repairs and then on new product. I have this wacky idea for a puppet that I want to see if I can get it done in time. I do know that I am revamping Doctor Who #10’s coat to a more appropriate material.

Health Update since some of you have been asking me and I thought I would share. Physically I am recovering. I really didn’t know how tired I was until now when I am finally feeling more myself (still a bit tired but less so.) Emotionally I’m OK. Not perfect Zip-a-Dee Doo-Dah but I am not in the pit of despair either. I know that time will help with both the physical and the mental and y’all have helped me a lot too. *Group hug*

I am grateful for help in all its forms


3 Responses to “RTBTCKI (The Caroline is watching the Last Unicorn Edition)”

  1. Megan says:

    Big warm Sydney koala hugs to you, Kath.



  2. Rex Hondo says:

    Extra hugs, since I had been a few days behind…

    -Rex Hondo-

  3. KarenBoe says:

    Hugs from the great northwest. And don’t let the things you have to do get in the way. Give yourself a break. If something doesn’t get done, there’s always tomorrow. You surely don’t need to put any extra stress on yourself right now.