No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

It must be right before a convention because I am trying to finish a project

Posted By on March 13, 2007

Got a little more done on the project for LunaCon. I want to have a majority of it done by close of business today if not all of it. Then I can move onto getting a couple of other things done by Friday for the Art Show. I also need to download and print the form I need to finish before the convention. Also I need to get my form into DragonCon for the Art Show this year by the 15th, which is this Thursday.

Once LunaCon is done then I am back at making eyeballs for my puppet workshops at I-Con which I will be doing Saturday and Sunday this year. After I-Con I have some swap dolls and a few other projects I need to finish up before starting (or while starting) my next costume for Shoreleave. If I can get one costume done a week, I’ll be done before July. I am, of course, expecting life to come up with some new reason I can’t do this.

The other day I saw a DVD in the front rack at Borders (which means they paid money to have it placed there) for “The Secret”. I didn’t pick it up and had no idea what it was about. I figured it was some Japanese Horror Film that got the Hollywood treatment and I just missed the commercials. Then yesterday in the local paper there was an article about this new phenomenon that is sweeping the nation called “The Secret” which if you adhere to its principles will make you healthy, wealthy, and wise along with all your personal dreams coming true.

This seems to be an extension of what some call the “laws” of attraction which was a big seller a while back. You can change your thinking and change your life by “attracting” what you want just by your thoughts. Any bad stuff in your life is your fault because you are not thinking the “right” kind of thoughts to set up the positive “vibration” allowing your wishes and dreams to come true. Considering how this year has been shaping up, I don’t think this was the right thing for me to read at this point.

Apparently, according to the author, food does not make you fat, you make you fat by allowing the food to become fat. If you see a fat person you should close your eyes and think thin so the idea of being fat doesn’t implant into one’s brain. One should not observe nasty things because it gives one bad vibes and we need to accentuate the positive in our life. (I am reminded of various kingdoms where they created these “villages” for the royalty to cavort in and pretend that they were common folk where all nastiness was put behind the curtain so as not to offend the royal gaze.) This sort of wooly thinking has been in the self-help/new age section for quite a while and right now it is the new hot “thing” that will claim to have helped millions to becoming powerful and wealthy (Honesty if as many people became millionaires because of these sort of things I think we would all have a million in the bank).

Now I do believe that the power of change is within. One has to want to change before change can occur especially with behavior. But then if you have been reading this for long you also know I am a big one for personally responsibility so this should come as no surprise. Right now I am responsible for teaching my daughter what behavior is acceptable and what is not. I am hoping to instill things in her now that will serve her through out her life. Habits are created in one’s youth and with luck are carried into adulthood. But as an adult (or even a teen) you can choose to change your habits or behaviors. Sometimes you do it to comply with the social norm and other times because you don’t like what you do and how it affects others. The only thing you really have control of your whole life is you. I do also believe that there is nothing wrong about thinking of what makes you happy but to the exclusion of all else in hopes that it will come true seems a little self-destructive to me.

I am grateful for my bowling scores last night.


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