No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Taking it Easy Today

Posted By on March 11, 2007

Yesterday I think I did a little bit too much with some running around and errands that I needed to do. Today I am a bit sore and therefore am going to sit down with my feet up a majority of the day. Peter has taken Caroline to watch Ariel bowl in a local tournament so it is just me and the cats who have taken refuge in the dining room.

I’m kinda taking things at my own pace right now. Being a bit selfish (or rather protective of self) is not a bad thing on occasion. Right now I need to think of myself. Peter has been just wonderful about taking care of things for me so I don’t have to deal with stuff. I had some nice phone calls from friends and family yesterday who were just checking in to see how I was doing. I appreciate that and y’all very much.

I am afraid that I am not going to be able to get everything done I wanted to get done for the LunaCon Art Show and I have to keep telling myself that this is OK and not a failure on my part. I have started working on things but haven’t gotten as far as I would like. I may make a jig today so I can wire the hands in a puppet. It is easier to twist the wire when you have a form for the hand. My other jig is gone somewhere either into the disaster I call my studio or I lost it among my many moves. It’s not hard to recreate but it can be a bit time consuming to get it right.

The weather is much improved. It may even get warm enough to take Caroline to the playground and let her run around. She is a bundle of energy and I like to encourage her to run around and play. If she gets in the habit of exercising now, she will carry it through out her life. It feels like Spring is just around the corner but I am not holding my breath considering that we have had snow storms in April in the past. But looking outside right now, the sky is a pretty shade of robin’s egg blue with a few puffy clouds rolling along and the sun is shining.

I am grateful for the love and support I feel from everyone.


2 Responses to “Taking it Easy Today”

  1. Megan says:

    I’ve been off line all weekend, and have just “heard”.

    I’m sending lots of big hugs and gentle thoughts to you and Peter over the next few weeks.


  2. Tim Lynch says:

    Being a bit “selfish” is not only not a bad thing, sometimes it’s an absolutely CRUCIAL thing to do. I’m glad Peter is doing such a good job letting you focus on yourself right at the moment — there are certainly times you’ve done the same for him when he was in need.

    I hope Caroline got to enjoy the nice weather!
