No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Thank You

Posted By on March 10, 2007

Words cannot express the love and support I feel from y’all. I appreciate each and every message that has been sent to me both in comments and by e-mail.

I’m doing OK. Still a little tired but part of that may stem from getting to bed after 3:00AM and then getting up around 7:30. I did get a short nap in but went to bed late and Caroline got me up at 6:30 (I’m hoping that Day Light Savings time see her sleeping a little later. A reminder that this is happening tonight/tomorrow morning rather than April.) So I am taking it easy this weekend.

Caroline knew something was up and gave me lots of hugs and attention yesterday. This morning she is playing with her dinosaurs which are going on some adventure at this point with Diego. Ariel was a big help with Caroline so Peter and I could go see my doctor. Yesterday was a bit of a pause while today we have a million and two things going on so as they say life goes on.

Peter commented and I have to agree that what we are finding out is that I am now part of a silent majority. Miscarriage is not talked about but happens to so many people and effects so many too. Once of the reasons that Peter and I decided to talk about what happened was so that others could express themselves and what happened to them.

Something I do feel I need to clarify. Peter and I were not trying to have another child. I am on the pill at this time. Peter has four daughters and I have 3 stepdaughters and a daughter in my life. What we figured out after some research is that we can trace this back to my taking an antibiotic which apparently reduces the effectiveness of birth control pills for a longer period of time than just the week I was taking it. So I figure I would caution others so this wouldn’t happen to them cause it kinda sucks a lot.

Today I plan to get some puppet work done. This time next week Caroline and I will be attending LunaCon. Peter will be in LA at Wizard Con LA and Ariel will be off at her cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. So life does go on but I am glad that we took a pause as a family yesterday.

I am grateful to everyone for your support and understanding.


9 Responses to “Thank You”

  1. Tim Lynch says:

    “Caroline knew something was up and gave me lots of hugs and attention yesterday.”

    Kids are great like that sometimes. Katherine can be “very two and a half” on occasion, but if she senses there’s something wrong she’ll walk up to you and say, “you okay, Daddy [or Mommy]” with a little hug. There’s so much more empathy there than I’d have ever guessed before actually becoming a parent.

    Much love.


  2. Jerri says:

    I glad to see you are healing and spending much familiy time – it helps greatly. As one who has been there myself and watched my daughter and daughter-in-law go through this, I can say that time with loved ones is key to your healing.

    One peeve I have had over the years is with the doctors’ lack of communication about the antibiotic vs. contraceptive issue. Countless times I have mentioned this to women who say they are just starting on the Pill and they know NOTHING about it. I have a grand-niece who was born to her 14 year old mother who was on the Pill because of antibiotics. Someone should spread this word…

    Wishing you well…


  3. Zeek says:

    Just wanted to “delurk” and express my sympathies. My heart goes out to you both! Losing a baby is never easy. Never. And it doesn’t matter if you knew about the child or not!

    I have never miscarried, but several women in my family have- (5 that I can think of). It’s always a blow to the spirit.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you’re in my thoughts.

    OH and jeeze, i’ve heard about prenancies through the pill, but now you’ve got me biting my nails! Oh yeah, the boyfirend’s gonna be wearing his birth control too if I have to take antibiotics in the future! Make that double the wear. YIKES! (hee!)

  4. Bill Mulligan says:

    First, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Take it easy, though.

    When my ex-wife and I were having touble having children we dove into researching things with the usual obsessive compulsiveness that makes me so loveable. The 1 in 4 stat is actually optimistic–by some estimates a solid majority of pregnancies end in miscarraige but most are so early that the woman is never aware that she was ever pregnent.

    Whether or not that’s true…well, my conclusions are that fertility science is only one small step above a witchdoctor with a rattle and a bone though his nose.

    There should be a huge honking sign attached to every bottle of birth control pills about the antibiotic problem.

    Aeek, forgive me for taking a joke seriously (or not getting it in the first place!) but if “Make that double the wear” means two condoms, don’t do it! Actually, doubling condoms makes them likely to rub against each other and make holes. I tell kids this at the after school program I run and watch their faces go pale–that and the fact that vaseline makes latex dissolve are two huge stomach droppers.

    Tim–good to see you back, though I’d rather it was for some other topic. How are things?

  5. Zeek says:

    It’s okay Bill, that was exactly what I meant (and it was a joke). But man, it sure makes me turn pale whenever I’m reminded of these things.

  6. Lee Houston, Junior says:

    Just another grieving voice wishing the sincere hope that everything will be alright from this point forward for you, Peter, and the rest of the Davids.

  7. Tim Lynch says:

    Things are fine, Bill — and the fact that I came back for this topic is sort of a coincidence, since spring break just started and I planned to get back into things anyway. I’d rather not clutter up this particular thread, but ask me in another one or via email and I can give you more details.


  8. Amy says:

    Just wanted to let you know how much I empathize with you. I suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks. Being surrounded by family and friends and their love is the best way to make it through.

  9. gary says:

    Kathleen i just want you to know
    you are not alone
    all my prayers and all my hopes