No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Not Feeling up to doing much today

Posted By on March 9, 2007

This is hard for me to write so here are the basics of what happened.

Last night I went to see my Ob/Gyn because I have some problems with my period that were starting to get downright scary. They did an exam and informed me that since I was soaking through about a pad an hour and what they saw on the internal exam, I need to go to the emergency room immediately.

Bottom line is that I had a miscarriage for a pregnancy that I didn’t even know I was carrying.

I went to see my doctor again today and my body is recovering from the internal trauma. He gave me advice and a laundry list of things to look out for and things that might happen that would be OK. He is the doctor that delivered Caroline over 4 years ago so we showed him a picture of the little girl she has become.

So physically I am OK. Emotionally I am a bit confused as to how I am feeling since I didn’t even know that I was carrying. I have been told to take it easy for a couple of days and give my body sometime to heal. Peter has been very supportive, as have the kids.

I am grateful for everyone who helped me last night and today.


14 Responses to “Not Feeling up to doing much today”

  1. Bill Mulligan says:

    Kathleen, I’m very sorry. This is one of those situations where there is nothing to say that can make it better and lots that can be said that, however well intentioned, make it worse, so let me leave it at that. Please take care.

  2. David Hunt says:

    I know that there is nothing that could come from me that would make the situation better, but You and PAD are very real persons to me and I feel that I must say something. Your whole family is in my thoughts and I wish all the best. And as Bill said, take care.

  3. KarenBoe says:

    The best remedy for helping me cope with painful situtations is lot’s of hugs from my daughter. My sincer good wishes to you and your family.

  4. vocalyz says:

    My heart is with you and you are in my prayers.

  5. Sean Scullion says:


    Stace and I are thinking of you.


  6. John Hudgens says:

    Serious hugs coming your way next time we see each other. Plus sending some happy thoughts now to tide you over.

  7. Tim Lynch says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, Kath.

    As I just wrote over on Peter’s site, Lisa and I haven’t been there (and hope not to be), but we’ve certainly had friends and relatives of ours who’ve miscarried (including my mom back before I was born … two or three times, I can’t remember which). It’s just an awful thing pretty much any way you look at it.

    About the only good news is that you’re physically okay … which is a silver lining for a nasty cloud, I’ll admit, but it’s a good silver lining to hold on to.

    Give Caroline lots of hugs. Our very best wishes and sympathies.


  8. jeff says:

    We’re here for you for whatever you need Kath. Take care.

  9. TaMara says:

    Hiya Kathy,
    We met at wendy’s class last year.. ( i was the one with purple hair ) I’d like to give you a hug this year when I see you 🙂 (I had the exact same thing happen this sept.) Love and light to you as you heal…


  10. Dynen says:

    I am sorry for your loss. I too had an unexpected pregnancy that I found out about when I miscarried. The hormonal adjustments over the next few weeks can be difficult. It happened 16 years ago and I still get very nervous when my period is heavier than usual.


  11. Shawn Backs says:

    Hey Kathleen,
    Came over from Peter’s blog to give you my condolances directly and let you know that You and Peter are in my prayers. I think you made the right choice in talking about it and hope that you find peace of mind in it.

  12. “Grief is the price we pay for loving.

    “It’s a high price, but it’s worth it.” — Douglas McEwan

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  13. Luigi Novi says:

    Kathleen, in case you didn’t see my post on Peter’s board, I’m so very sorry for the both of you. At least you are healthy, and the two of you can still gaze on the beautifully adorable face of the child that you have together, as well as your other kids and family members. You’re two strong people, and I know you’ll get through this, and be even stronger for it. May all your future trips to doctors be filled with joy and happiness.