No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Single Parent for a couple of Days

| November 19, 2009

Peter’s business trips just kind of sneak up on us and pounce. We have a window when he might be going away for a day or so for work but we might not know until a week before if it is going to happen. This can play havoc with planning things at times but it […]

RTBTCKI The First Day of Fall 2009 edition

| September 22, 2009

Today is the first day of fall. Well, it will be at 5:18 pm this afternoon. Where did the summer go? Well actually I think I can answer that since we had a pretty packed summer this year. We even got in a short family vacation which was very nice. I feel very muzzy headed […]

DragonCon 2009 The Beginnings

| September 4, 2009

It is amazing to watch the con roll into the hotels. The people off loading all kinds of gear in front of the hotel. The traffic jam to off load all that gear. The lines at check in snaking through the front lobbies. The flash of cameras as people start to take picture of their […]

RTBTCKI Raindrops keep falling on my head edition

| July 21, 2009

It’s not looking good for Caroline’s summer camp today. The weather looks very nasty and if it rains, camp is cancelled because they don’t have a building or tent for the kids. On top of that, we are looking at possible Thunderstorms so I really don’t want her by the water with that going on. […]

RTBTCKI The Quiet Before the Day Begins edition

| July 18, 2009

This morning, so far, it is just the cats and me. The cats lodged a protest that both food dishes were empty. I knew it the moment I opened the bedroom door because all three of them were looking up at me and then proceeded to run downstairs. I followed them and they showed me […]