No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBCKI The Of Two Minds Edition

| May 31, 2014

As in I am of two minds on a number of subjects and am sorting out what I need to do, what I want to do, and where these might intersect along with what must be done first. Kind of in mixed brain mode right now. Allergies seem to be easing so I am hoping […]

Conventional Wisdom: Not Your Trained Monkey

| May 29, 2014

This is not to most people in fandom. This is to that small minority that can’t seem to get a grip on boundaries. But this behavior bothers the ever loving out of me and all I see is, in the land of right now, it getting worse. I read yesterday a bunch of people taking […]

Crafty Tuesday Mojo & Motivation

| May 28, 2014

I am using Mojo in terms of talent/skill for the purposes of this entry Recently I have been working through what I want to get done before X convention. And I have discovered I would like to do quite a bit and a lot of it is challenging. How much have I gotten done? Other […]

X-men Days of Future Past A Review

| May 27, 2014

To understand why I liked this film as much as I did X-Men First Class, you need to understand that I am a dyed in the wool X-Man fan and have been most of my life. I was a bit dubious when I heard the name of the film because those issues of X-Men hold […]

On the Occasion of Our 13th Wedding Anniversary

| May 26, 2014

Dear Peter, It is both easy and hard to believe that we have been married for thirteen years now. I have clear memories of that day. I remember getting my hair done by Jeff. I remember Harlan’s best man speech and the fall out from it. I remember the new bride smell joke that became […]