No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Snow Fatigue

| January 29, 2014

We got about another three inches on top of what we had left on the ground from last week. Caroline had school so I bundled her up against the cold and she took the school bus. I have shoveled the walk and the driveway so we can get out the vehicles. Now I have to […]

Crafty Tuesday: Need your Help and Input

| January 28, 2014

I am drawing a creative blank of what to talk about. I don’t have any in-progress pictures to show of things I am working on since it is all in my head right now. So I am opening this to questions. What do you want to ask me about? I can talk about pricing for […]

It might get above 40 F today!

| January 27, 2014

Well it has already done that since it is 43 F degrees outside. Which is the warmest it has been in about three weeks. That will be over this evening when the temperature goes down to 12 F and we will be back in the deep freeze for another week or so. I guess I […]

Slip Sliding Away

| January 26, 2014

Last night we got, officially, another inch and a half of powder snow on top of streets that were just getting passible. This made this morning’s journey to retrieve Caroline all the more fun. Caroline had a Girl Scout overnight activity yesterday. Her troop, along with several others, went to a hotel and learned about […]

RTBTCKI The “Friday Right?” Edition

| January 24, 2014

Snow days can just make the week feel off. I know that Caroline was home Wednesday but it still doesn’t feel like a Friday yet. But it is Friday according to the calendar. This weekend Caroline has a Girl Scout function to attend and that is about it. There is more snow in the forecast […]