No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Good Ideas at 4 AM Don’t tend to Stick Around

| June 29, 2011

I had this great web log entry but it was 4AM so I rolled over and went back to sleep with the last thought being ‘I hope I remember this’ and I then had a really odd theater dream and don’t remember what it was at all. The number of times I have worked out […]

Crafty Tuesday: Now On Tuesday

| June 28, 2011

This is the part of the project I call ramping up. Where I have to assemble most, if not all, of the pieces I need to complete the set of projects I have in the hopper. Yesterday Caroline and I went fabric shopping and I found, at a rather good price, my solution to one […]

RTBTCKI (The One Foot in Front of the Other Edition)

| June 27, 2011

I have hit crunch time. I have less than two weeks to get ready for Shoreleave so my web logging may be spotty while I try to get through the mountain of stuff that had piled up on my plate. After that it is all DragonCon all the time. If you have been reading this […]

RTBTCKI (The Caroline’s Summer Vacation 2011 edition)

| June 26, 2011

According to Caroline, her summer vacation doesn’t official start until tomorrow. Her reasoning is that she would be home on the weekend anyway so until it is a day that she went to school (i.e. Monday), it isn’t summer vacation yet. I learned something new. Did you know that your souped-up cable box may be […]

Thank You to the New York Legislature

| June 25, 2011

For being sensible rather than reactionary. It is a rare thing to see in government any more which is sad. Most of you know my stance on Gay Marriage. I was at George Takei and Brad Altman’s wedding as a witness to their vows which were so lovely and sincere. They had to wait long […]