No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

It’s My 6th Wedding Anniversary Today

Posted By on May 26, 2007

Peter and I will have been married 6 years today. It was a simple ceremony surrounded by family and friends as it should be. Anyone there will probably not forget the best man speech by Harlan Ellison or the color of his shoes that day. I have most of the day in my head. There were pieces I was not there for that Peter told me about later. Peter made the wise decision to rent a bus to get all our out of town guests from their various hotels to the Emory campus. The weather was very nice that day. It was one of my favorite days.

Since then a lot has happened. Some of it good and some bad. The good things out weigh the bad. I am still very much in love with Peter. That has not changed. If anything it has gotten much stronger over time. We make a good couple. We share a lot of the same interests so there is never a time we don’t have something to talk about. We support each other in what we want to do. We hold each other when things are not the way we would like and tell each other it will be all right. We anticipate what the other is going to need and meet those needs. We work on keeping the other party happy which can make for a strange conflict that we sometimes have to give up on making the other one happy by letting them allow us to be happy with a decision.

We are looking forward to a day spent together. Some of what we have to do is rather mundane. We have to go food shopping. And some of it is for just sheer fun. We have tickets to see Pirates today and reservations at one of our favorite restaurants. But what ever we do today, we are going to enjoy being in each other’s company.

I love you Peter.

I am grateful that Peter and I got married.


12 Responses to “It’s My 6th Wedding Anniversary Today”

  1. Jeff says:

    Happy Anniversary Peter and Kath. I hope that you two have many, many more together.

  2. Elayne Riggs says:

    Wow, six years already! Happy anniversary, you crazy kids!

  3. mike weber says:

    Huh. I think i may have been married for the second time longer than you two have.

    But i’m not sure – i literally can’t even remember what year Kate and i got married, much less the date.

  4. Luigi Novi says:

    Happy Anniversary to you both! When I first saw the pic of you that Peter placed on his blog, I thought you had renewed your vows (in part because you look thinner than I remember), but I guess my memory played a trick or two, since you said you went shopping.

    Here’s to more years of happiness, which will surely outweight anything else.


    Luigi Novi

  5. Joe Nazzaro says:

    Happt anniversary to both of you. I was just thinking recently, isn’t it nice to be with somebody with whom doing even mundane things is a little less mundane?

  6. Bill Mulligan says:

    Happy anniversary!

  7. Megan says:

    You’re still “newly-weds” πŸ™‚

    Happy Anniversary!!!!!

    Hugs for both of you.


  8. Rex Hondo says:

    Happy Anniversary!

    I’ll be sure to hoist a drink your way next time I have one at hand. πŸ˜‰

    -Rex Hondo-

  9. Sean Scullion says:

    When you’re with the right person, even the mundane is an adventurous experience. Here’s to the adventure!

  10. Christine says:

    Happy Anniversary!

    …and if I may ask… What color were Mr. Ellison’s shoes?

  11. Mike "shaggy g says:


    I met my beloved wife just over six years ago & married just under 4 – so now I know where there’s a more experiened couple if we ever need advice! πŸ˜‰

  12. Mike "shaggy g says:


    I met my beloved wife just over six years ago & married just under 4 – so now I know where there’s a more experiened couple if we ever need advice! πŸ˜‰