No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I think I ought to tell you I am feeling very Impressed.

| April 30, 2005

Peter and I went to see Hitchhiker

Adventures in New York

| April 29, 2005

Glenn has fixed the blogs. Past couple of days have been hit and miss with being able to do anything with my blog. So I am looking at this as a message in a bottle. Eventually it will reach someone. New York City was a nice trip. Ariel

On the Mend

| April 28, 2005

We seem to have turned the corner. Caroline express interest in food again and happily munched on cheerios all through the day. We had no upchucking and she slept in her own bed over night. She woke up once but used her music box to sooth herself back to sleep. My only concern is her […]

As the Stomach Turns

| April 27, 2005

We are having some difficulties with the website. Glenn is working on it. With some luck we should be back up and running soon. Caroline spent most of yesterday asleep or vegging. She preferred laying on the floor with her head on her giant grey bear covered with her favorite pink blanket. She got up […]

Drain Bead

| April 26, 2005

We took Caroline to the Doctor. She had another bout of crappy diaper in the Doctor